What We Believe

We Believe in One God who exists eternally in three persons: The Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ),

and the Holy Spirit. 

We Believe that God created all and is sovereign over all of His creation. 

We Believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary. 

We Believe that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully man, sinless by His divine nature, but suffering in His human nature as a man in order to be an adequate sacrifice for all mankind. 

We Believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day. After His earthly ministry, we believe Jesus overcame death and ascended to the right Hand of God. 

We Believe that Jesus Christ was sinless and is the only atoning sacrifice for our sins through His death and resurrection. We obtain salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and by repentance, not by our works or anything we could earn.  

We Believe that the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible comprise the Word of God, written by God through man. The

Bible is the fully inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. We believe the Bible is fully reliable and consistent with the original


We Believe that all people are sinners by nature, and are under condemnation by a righteous and just God until He regenerates and

forgives people through their faith in Jesus Christ and genuine repentance. 

We Believe that God is perfect in wisdom, holiness, power, sovereignty, and love. It was out of God’s great love for His creation that He made a way for us to be reconciled to Him now and eternally through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ – available for all mankind and for all of our sins. 

We Believe the church is the body of Christ, not limited to walls, but the unified body of all who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and follow His teachings. 

We Believe that the Holy Spirit leads, guides, and teaches the believer to follow the will of God. 

We Believe that the Biblical spiritual gifts exist and are practiced in the church.

We Believe in the ordinances given by God of baptism and communion. We believe that communion should only be taken by believers, as it is an act of remembrance, repentance, and reverence to Jesus Christ. We believe baptism is an outward pronouncement of an inward faith in Christ, and symbolizes His renewing work of salvation.

We Believe that Jesus Christ will return again visibly to establish God’s Kingdom. We believe that Jesus Christ will make the final judgment of mankind, and that God will establish the new heavens and the new earth, where those who have faith in Him will dwell forever, while those who do not will be separated from God forever.