As the body of Christ, we desire to have a community where no one feels alone, and everyone acts as a big family. We want to serve one another and those around us, as God intended (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Galatians 6:2). Every person is needed, and we encourage all to be involved both in fellowship and serving.
For a spiritual gifts assessment to better understand the gifts you have to offer the church, see the spiritual gifts page in the resource tab.
To get involved in our church ministries, you can talk to one of our pastors or ministry leaders.
Monthly Prayer Meeting: All are welcome to come and pray as a community after service in the sanctuary every first Sunday of the month!
Join Our Prayer Group: This group prays continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17) for all the various needs within and outside the church.
Volunteer at the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission: Every last Friday of the month at 4:45pm we meet at the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission to serve meals to those in need.
Food Pantry and Clothing: Donate throughout the year non-perishable foods and toiletries, as well as warm clothing to give out to those in need.
Outreach: New team forming now to prepare meals and share the Gospel.