


Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10 AM:  Join us each Sunday for a time of musical worship to the Lord, communion, and expository preaching with practical application through the Bible. 

To watch live online or view past services go to:  (must have a facebook account)

Nursery and Kids Ministries (Pre-k to High school) available at 10 AM 

Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 6:30 PM:  Join us Wednesday nights as Pastor Jon Panelli teaches an in-depth, interactive study through different books of the Bible.  We are currently covering the Book of Genesis.  To watch online go to:  (must have a facebook account)

See our Church Bulletin for a list of all of our fellowship groups 



Prayer Meeting:  Every First Sunday of the month after service in the sanctuary 

Married Couple's Fellowship Potluck:  Join us November 23rd  at 5 pm at the Pattersons for a time of fellowship to strengthen marriages.  Sign up for a dish in the foyer.  

Men's Fellowship Dinner:  Join us December 10th at 6 pm at the Bowser's home for dinner, time in the Word, and great fellowship!  Now on a Tuesday rather than Thursday!